Day 63: Understanding Terraform Variables and Data Types

Day 63: Understanding Terraform Variables and Data Types

Terraform's efficacy lies in its ability to represent infrastructure as code (IaC) through declarative configurations. Central to this paradigm are Terraform variables and data types, which provide a means to parameterize and structure these configurations effectively.

Terraform Variables

Variables in Terraform serve as placeholders for dynamic values, facilitating configuration flexibility and reusability. They enable the decoupling of configuration details from the main Terraform code, allowing for customization without modifying the underlying infrastructure definitions.

Key Characteristics of Terraform Variables:

  1. Parameterization: Variables allow users to parameterize Terraform configurations, enabling the definition of values outside the configuration files.

  2. Scoping: Variables can be scoped at different levels within a Terraform project, including global, module, and local scopes, providing granular control over their usage.

  3. Type Constraints: Terraform supports various data types for variables, ensuring type safety and validation during configuration execution.

Terraform Data Types

Terraform offers a range of data types to represent different kinds of values within configurations. Understanding these data types is crucial for structuring and organizing configuration data effectively.

Common Terraform Data Types Include:

  1. Primitive Types: These include string, number, boolean, and null, providing fundamental data representations within Terraform configurations.

  2. Complex Types:

    • Maps: Maps are collections of key-value pairs, allowing for the organization of structured data. They are particularly useful for configuring resources with multiple attributes.

    • Lists: Lists represent ordered collections of values, enabling the definition of sequences of items within configurations. They are often used for configuring arrays of resources or properties.

    • Sets: Sets are unordered collections of unique values, ensuring that each element appears only once within the set. They are beneficial for defining distinct sets of values within configurations.

    • Objects: Objects encapsulate multiple attributes into a single entity, providing a cohesive structure for representing complex data. They facilitate the modeling of hierarchical or composite configurations.

Practical Implementation

To solidify the theoretical understanding, let's embark on practical tasks to demonstrate the application of Terraform variables and data types.

Task 1: Utilizing Map Data Type

  1. Define Map Variables:

     variable "file_contents" {
       type    = map
       default = {
         "statement1" = "this is cool"
         "statement2" = "this is cooler"

  2. Create Local File Resources:

     resource "local_file" "devops" {
       for_each = var.file_contents
       filename = "/path/to/${each.key}.txt"
       content  = each.value

  3. Run Terraform Commands:

     terraform init
     terraform apply

  4. Review Output: Verify the creation of local files with dynamic content based on the map variables.

Task 2: Demonstrating List, Set, and Object Data Types

  1. Define Variables:

     variable "list_example" {
       type    = list(string)
       default = ["item1", "item2", "item3"]
     variable "set_example" {
       type    = set(string)
       default = ["item1", "item2", "item3"]
     variable "object_example" {
       type = object({
         key1 = string
         key2 = number
       default = {
         key1 = "value1"
         key2 = 123

  2. Use Variables in Terraform Configuration:

     output "list_output" {
       value = var.list_example
     output "set_output" {
       value = var.set_example
     output "object_output" {
       value = var.object_example

  3. Run Terraform Commands:

     terraform init
     terraform apply

  4. Review Output: Examine the outputs showcasing the usage of list, set, and object data types within Terraform configurations.


Terraform variables and data types are indispensable tools for crafting flexible, maintainable, and scalable infrastructure configurations. By leveraging these constructs effectively, users can abstract configuration details, enhance reusability, and streamline infrastructure management processes within Terraform projects.