Day-86: DevOps Project 7: Automating Portfolio Deployment

Day-86: DevOps Project 7: Automating Portfolio Deployment


  • Project Overview

  • Necessary Preparations

  • Step-by-Step Project Execution

Project Overview

The core objective of this project is to automate the deployment of a Portfolio application onto AWS S3 using GitHub Actions. By leveraging GitHub Actions directly within the GitHub Repository, continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) processes are seamlessly streamlined.

Necessary Preparations

  1. S3 Bucket Creation: Establish an S3 bucket to serve as the hosting environment for the portfolio application.

  2. IAM User Configuration: Set up an IAM user with the requisite permissions for interacting with the AWS S3 service.

Step-by-Step Project Execution

  1. Retrieve Portfolio Application from GitHub: Clone the Portfolio application from GitHub either locally or onto an AWS server for further processing.

  2. Configuration of GitHub Actions Workflow: Access the actions section within the GitHub repository and configure a new workflow for seamless integration.

     name: Portfolio-Deployment
           - main
         runs-on: ubuntu-latest
           - name: Checkout
             uses: actions/checkout@v1
           - name: Configure AWS Credentials
             uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
               aws-access-key-id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
               aws-secret-access-key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
               aws-region: ap-south-1
           - name: Deploy static site to S3 bucket
             run: aws s3 sync . s3://portfolio-vedant --delete

  3. AWS S3 Configuration for Hosting: Configure the S3 bucket for public access and enable static website hosting to serve the portfolio application.

  4. Adjust Bucket Permissions in S3: Ensure proper permissions are granted to the S3 bucket to facilitate smooth operation.

  5. Modify index.html File and Deploy Portfolio Website: Customize the index.html file to trigger the GitHub Actions workflow and update website content and title. Commit and push changes to the GitHub repository.

  6. Execute the GitHub Actions Workflow: Initiate the workflow execution within GitHub Actions for seamless deployment.

  7. Activate the Website: Upon successful completion of the workflow, the portfolio website will be live and accessible.

Thank you for exploring this article. Wishing you a fantastic day ahead!